Do you ever have those days where you just feel ‘blah’? Lately my family and I have been feeling a little off and we weren’t really sure why. We were eating healthy, getting our daily exercise, but something was missing.
I knew digestive health played an important role in overall health so we started using the Jamieson Probiotic 10 Billion. This hero product is for daily maintenance and contains an awesome 14 unique strains (it’s also vegetarian friendly!!). Not only does it have easy-to-swallow capsules but it is one of the four Jamieson recommended Essential supplements. Jamieson is Canada’s #1 trusted vitamin brand with the purest, safest and most effective natural health solutions available and their 360 Pure promise guarantees that their products are of the highest quality available. This part was so important to me!
Now let’s get to the facts! Did you know that probiotics are ‘good bacteria’ that are essential to good health? These good bacteria work to support our digestive health. A significant portion of our immune system resides within our digestive tract. Things that can disrupt your digestive balance include antibiotics, poor nutrition, stress, illness and inflammation and travel. Some side effects when you are out of balance are irregular bowel movement, diarrhea, constipation, intermittent abdominal pain, reduced immunity, fatigue and compromised nutritional absorption.
I don’t know about you, but that all sounds really uncomfortable and nothing I would want to take part in…. but don’t worry, because the team of experts at Jamieson have developed a line of products formulated to help you through the various stages in life. Whether it be for babies, children, adults or 50+, the range is formulated to help you in taking better care.
I recently learned that Jamieson uses Advanced Tube technology to ensure their product potency is guaranteed to expiry. The packaging of a probiotic has a big impact on whether the product needs to be refrigerated or not. After assessing cutting edge technologies, Jamieson has identified the advanced tube as the leading packaging format in the world of probiotics. This specialized tube technology provides protection from moisture transmission for each capsule from bottling through storage, shipping and shelf life, ensuring the highest potency from product through expiration. Impressive right?!
Do you take probiotics? I’d love to hear how they have helped your overall health!
Looking for some natural health products of your own? Jamieson has you covered! Check out the below;
Jamieson Probiotic 10 Billion
● a probiotic for daily maintenance containing 14 unique strains
● easy-to swallow capsule
● one of the four Jamieson recommended Essential supplements
● Advanced Tube Technology to guarantee active cell count to expiry
Jamieson Probiotic Baby
● a liquid probiotic supplement that comes in an easy-to-use droplet format providing 1 billion
active cells per serving (6 drops)
● easy to use, can be added to milk/breast milk
● perfect for infants and children 1 month to 3 years old
● contains a unique Bifidobacterium strain called BB-12 that has been clinically studied in infants to support gastrointestinal health
Jamieson Chewable Probiotic for Kids
● a fun and delicious cherry flavoured chewable tablet that delivers 5 Billion CFU
● for children 3 years and older
Jamieson Women’s Probiotic Complex
● formulated with probiotic cultures specific for women’s heath with 5 unique strains
● provides 7 billion active cells to help support gastrointestinal and vaginal health by promoting a positive gut flora
● Advanced Tube Technology to guarantee active cell count to expiry
Jamieson Adult 50+ Probiotic Complex
● contains 10 unique strains of probiotic providing 15 billion active cells
● formulated to counter weakening gut health by aiding in the support of intestinal health while encouraging a favourable gut flora
To learn more about the benefits of probiotics please visit: